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peneira -

Speak monster or monster! All very well? In today's post I would like to give you some tips to prepare on the day or eve of the sieve. Many players just take the boot and ID and go to the field and in the end they end up playing poorly because they didn't eat properly or because they got nervous. Therefore, if you are going to make a sieve soon, read this post very carefully! 1. Sleep tight the day before! I know the night before the sieve can be quite hectic due to our anxiety over thoughts of what...

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esteira -

Treadmill training is a popular choice for many. You're indoors when the weather is bad and it's pretty easy to set intervals so you don't have to watch the clock, but there are several reasons why treadmill training is a sub-optimal option for soccer players (when you also have the option to train in the field).  Cons of running on a treadmill: limited hip extension Less effort than running on grass No directional changes   limited hip extensionOptimal movement in your hips is crucial to performance. The strength of the glutes is an important factor in terms of injury prevention,...

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Bold talk! Many athletes who follow RumoAoPro send messages asking if strength training at the gym can slow them down and today we will be clarifying this issue and revealing the myths and truths about strength training. There's a bit of truth when some people say that training in the gym and getting big can slow you down, but that will only happen if you train the wrong way. Otherwise, when strength and gym training is implemented in the right way, it will only benefit the athlete. Let's create a situation as an example in which 2 players, player A...

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Author: @lukazdepaula (former professional athlete and physical trainer) Speak, bolerada! Our Instagram page @rumoaopro receives numerous messages a day and a word that pops up several times there is "creatine". Creatine is one of the most popular supplements in the world, especially in Brazil. Anyway, in today's post I'm going to talk a little more about creatine, explain its function in our body, the benefits it can bring and in the end, I'll give you my opinion if it's worth investing your money in it.  What is creatine? For those of you who think creatine is a bomb, calm down,...

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Speak, bolerada! In today's post, we're going to talk about those parachutes, vests and weights that professional players use in their training and how to fit them into your training. First, for those who have never used these equipment, they will cause resistance in your running or jumping, in other words they will require more strength from your muscles in these movements and in this way will increase the difficulty of your speed or impulse training. Benefits Beauty, we already understand what they are for... But what are the real benefits?  1. Increased power output. Especially in the direction we...

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